Anantha USA is a specialty seafood company sourcing fresh water Vannamei Shrimp and Swai Fish to customers in USA from all over the world, ensuring Supply Continuum and seafood at Competitive Prices.
The company is headquartered in Austin, Texas.
Currently we are importing the best quality Vannamei shrimp from India and South America. The guiding factor in our alliances with our partners or suppliers is Sustainability, Quality and Transparency.
Please reach out to us if you are learning to understand how we can customize our services to your business needs.

Contact Us

We feel happy to serve our customers, please feel free to contact us . . .


Anantha USA is a Wholesale Distributor of Vannamei Shrimp to Wholesalers, Retailers, Food Service Distributors, Restaurant Chains, etc. Supply of quality shrimp, sustainable sourcing of shrimp and making our customers happy are our key focus areas.

Austin, Texas


+1 (224) 325 5550

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